Terms of service

1. Introduction

These general terms and conditions of use (hereinafter referred to as "Terms") govern the use of the website maeumbeauty.com (hereinafter referred to as "the site") as well as all the services and content offered on it. By accessing and using the site, you fully and unreservedly accept the Terms described below. If you do not accept these Terms, please do not use the site.

2. Access to the Site

2.1 Access and User Account
Access to the site is allowed for users who are 18 years of age or older. You may be asked to create a user account by providing accurate and up-to-date information. You are responsible for the confidentiality of your account information and for any activity carried out under your account.

2.2 Usage Restrictions
You agree to use the site only in accordance with applicable laws and these Terms. It is prohibited to copy, reproduce, distribute, modify, transmit, display, or exploit any content of the site in any way without express permission.

3. Intellectual Property

3.1 Ownership Rights
The site and its content (text, images, graphics, logos, etc.) are protected by intellectual property laws and belong to Maeum Beauty or third parties who have authorized the use of these elements. Any unauthorized use of the content of the site is strictly prohibited.

3.2 License to Use
By using the site, we grant you a limited, non-exclusive, revocable, and non-transferable license to access and use the content of the site within the scope of its normal use and in compliance with these Terms.

4. User Content

4.1 User Submissions
Certain parts of the site may allow users to submit content, such as comments, reviews, or information. By submitting content on the site, you grant Maeum Beauty a worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free, and transferable license to use, reproduce, distribute, display, and modify such content.

4.2 Content Responsibility
You are solely responsible for the content you submit on the site. You agree not to submit defamatory, offensive, illegal, or content that violates the intellectual property rights of third parties.

5. Limitation of Liability

5.1 Warranty Disclaimer
The site and its content are provided "as is" without any express or implied warranties. Maeum Beauty does not warrant the accuracy, reliability, or completeness of the site's content. You use the site at your own risk.

5.2 Limitation of Liability
To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, Maeum Beauty disclaims any liability for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, or special damages arising from the use or inability to use the site.

6. Modification of the Terms

Maeum Beauty reserves the right to modify these Terms at any time. The modified Terms will be published on the site and will be effective upon publication. It is your responsibility to regularly review the Terms to stay informed of any changes.

7. General Provisions

If any provision of these Terms is found to be invalid or unenforceable, such provision will be modified to the extent necessary to make it valid and enforceable while reflecting the parties' initial intent to the extent possible. The failure to exercise a right or provision of these Terms does not constitute a waiver of that right or provision.

For any questions regarding the Terms or any other inquiries, please contact us using the contact information provided on the site.

Last updated on the Terms: June 26, 2023.